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This is a FREE Live 5-Day Online Workshop

There is no Cost, But the Trainings Will be

Available For a Limited Time Only!

5 Days into JOY!


During this Transformational Joyshop I will be walking you through the process of identifying the patterns of your Conditioned self that keep you trapped in stress, anxiety and depression. I will be guiding you through a variety of visualization and breathing practices that will facilitate a new Joy-filled experience of feeling: 

                                            *  Grounded in your Body

                                            *  Expansive in your Heart

                                            *  Calm and Confident in your Mind

I will be offering you, during these 5 days, the process by which I offer my clients that same Transformational Experience.

Here's What You Get When You Sign Up:

        * 5-Part Live Video Training Series:

           Join me for powerful trainings detailing my signature process for Awakening your Joy with Yoga             and Enneagram. They will be broadcast at Noon Central time, but will be available throughout               the week as you need access.

        •  The Joyflow Nine Ways Joybook:

           Receive a powerful guide detailing the focus of each day, along with journaling prompts and i.               information you can keep forever.

        *  Live Feedback and Support:

           Along the way, as you complete the journaling and have questions, you can receive valuable                 personal feedback, that will support you through the process. If you can join in real time, I will               be looking for your posts.  If you need to watch later according to your schedule, please text or             email, and I will reply either personally or within the next session.

       •  Exclusive Facebook Group:

          All of this feedback and interaction happens here in this exclusive FB group (Joyflow Nine                      Ways), specifically for the Joyflow Nine Ways tribe of supportive friends on this Journey.

       *  Drawings and Give-aways:

          Though I'm not Oprah, along the way you will have the opportunity to be part of several gift-card            drawings and book-bundle give-aways as you participate and engage.


Day 1

Who Am I?  Conditioned self vs Authentic Self   

The Nine Lenses that Zap your Joy

Day 2

Balancing the Three Centers of Intelligence

with the Dynamic Enneagram

A Model of our Innermost Motivations and Fears

Day 3

Pumping up your Power into Joyful Action

Understanding Gut Intelligence 

Exercises to Get Grounded


Day 4

Expanding your Heart into Deep Love and Gratitude  Understanding Heart Intelligence 

Exercises for an Open Heart

Day 5

Cultivating Calm Mind and Clarity 

Understanding Head Intelligence 

Exercises for a Calm Mind

It's time to identify and dissolve those old patterns and step into a New Awareness of Joy!

Get Signed Up for the Live Trainings, Support and your Joybook!


We start LIVE on July 13th, at Noon (Central Time), 2020

Yes, I'm Ready to Awaken My JOY!

Thanks for submitting!


About your Host:

Debi Saraswati Lewis, E-RYT500, YACEP, Founder and President of Joyflow Institute and your guide throughout this week of Joyful Transformation!

Debi is an inspirational muse. Wherever she goes she inspires and creates a space of joy and light around her and within her clients. Her focus is to help others like her, who have had to cope with stress, anxiety and depression, to find their own connection to inner Divine Guidance and Joy. For many years Debi has taught yoga, owned a studio, mentored yoga instructors through a Yoga Alliance approved program, and studied the Enneagram. Her published book “Yoga Nine Ways: Awaken to Source with Yoga and Enneagram” expresses her ground-breaking ideas integrating these wisdom traditions with life changing and practical applications. She brings this knowledge and experience into her inspirational coaching, workshops and retreats all over the world.

What Others are Saying about Debi:

I found Debi and Joyflow Yoga during a time in my life when I was struggling with anxiety disorder. Yoga literally saved me from becoming all consumed by my worries and panic. Thanks to Debi I learned how to naturally center my thoughts, deflect my anxiety and be more present in my daily life. She creates such a safe and nurturing practice that still remains challenging and inspiring. Even when life gets busy and you can't make it to a class Debi makes sure you have all the tools and knowledge you need to build your own home practice. Joyflow Yoga helped me to realize my own strength and now I am a yogi for life.

                              Victoria Whaley LaRose

Thank you Debi for a superb workshop. I have been to many; the only ones in the same category as yours were with Jean Huston on Myths and with Muriel James, author of Born To Be Free. I mention these so you understand to whom I compare you and your skills.

           I’m so glad you’ve expanded because I believe you’ve found your niche. Everyone learned so much and really felt fortunate your life touched ours. Your skills, love and vast knowledge of yoga and enneagram blended beautifully. Your openness about yourself was reassuring and the smooth adaptability as you worked filling needs, clarifying points, and enjoying time with us were magical.                           Marcia Mahan

What Are You Waiting for?

It's time to let go of the Ugghh! and step into the Ahhh!

Starting Monday, July 13th, 2020
Get Signed UP for LIVE Training to 5-days into JOY!


      On FB:

Joyflow Yoga page

Debi Saraswati Lewis-personal page

On Instagram: 

Debi Saraswati Joyflow 

Contact Debi: 


Text: 601-613-4317

To receive newsletters and blogs, and information about private instruction, therapy, workshops and retreats, I invite you to join my mailing list.

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