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       New Year - New Energy

A One Day Experience for

Opening up to Your Highest Potential Clearing Energy Blocks and 

Invisioning an Awesome Year!

Saturday, January 2nd, 2021

$100 before December 21st, 

$125 after. Limited Space

Location: Zoom

The beginning of January is always a great time to meditate and dream in the new year, and I believe THIS January is an extra-special one in the history of humanity! We are collectively being called to stay present and calm in the midst of chaos, to find our Spiritual center and to be very clear in our intentions. It is a perfect time for self-care and to let go of negative patterns that no longer serve you.


How many of you have scrapped your New Years resolutions after only a few weeks, or maybe have scrapped the idea of resolutions all together? That is because in order to change a habit you have to experience a shift in energy, in perspective and also receive support to hold you accountable and stay encouraged. 

In this one day event, we will address the emotions and beliefs that are the root of anxiety, depression and stress. We will do some release and nurturing around recreating these patterns by using the tools of Enneagram and Yoga.


No prior knowledge or ability is required, just a willingness to step into your natural Awesomeness for the New Year!

The day will include:

* Meditation and Release of Conditioned Self, Lenses of the Enneagram

* Calming and Inspiring Breathing Techniques

* Movement with Great Music (scarf dancing is encouraged)

* Healing Kriyas which are a combination of breath, movement and intention

* Affirmations and Creative Intentions

* Deep Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra 

You will come away with tools, handouts and a shift in perspective. You will rediscover how Amazing and Wonderful YOU ARE!  You will fall in Love with your Self!  And we will Celebrate this experience as we bring in the year!

Saturday, January 2nd, 2021

10:00-12:00 and 2:00-5:00 (CST)

$100 before December 21st, $125 after

Limited Space, so register early!


Or split the fee and invite a friend!

You benefit by giving a referral!

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It's time to identify and dissolve those old patterns

and step into a New Awareness of Joy!

JoyMe Day.jpg

About your Host:

Debi Saraswati Lewis, E-RYT500, YACEP, Founder and President of Joyflow Institute and your guide throughout this Day of Joyful Transformation!

Debi is an inspirational muse. Wherever she goes she inspires and creates a space of joy and light around her and within her clients. Her focus is to help others like her, who have had to cope with stress, anxiety and depression, to find their own connection to inner Divine Guidance and Joy. For many years Debi has taught yoga, owned a studio, mentored yoga instructors through a Yoga Alliance approved program, and studied the Enneagram. Her published book “Yoga Nine Ways: Awaken to Source with Yoga and Enneagram” expresses her ground-breaking ideas integrating these wisdom traditions with life changing and practical applications. She brings this knowledge and experience into her inspirational coaching, workshops and retreats all over the world.

What Others are Saying about Debi:

"I found Debi and Joyflow Yoga during a time in my life when I was struggling with anxiety disorder. Yoga literally saved me from becoming all consumed by my worries and panic. Thanks to Debi I learned how to naturally center my thoughts, deflect my anxiety and be more present in my daily life. She creates such a safe and nurturing practice that still remains challenging and inspiring. Even when life gets busy and you can't make it to a class Debi makes sure you have all the tools and knowledge you need to build your own home practice. Joyflow Yoga helped me to realize my own strength and now I am a yogi for life."

                              Victoria Whaley LaRose

"Thank you Debi for a superb workshop. I have been to many; the only ones in the same category as yours were with Jean Huston on Myths and with Muriel James, author of Born To Be Free. I mention these so you understand to whom I compare you and your skills.

           I’m so glad you’ve expanded because I believe you’ve found your niche. Everyone learned so much and really felt fortunate your life touched ours. Your skills, love and vast knowledge of yoga and enneagram blended beautifully. Your openness about yourself was reassuring and the smooth adaptability as you worked filling needs, clarifying points, and enjoying time with us were magical."                                                                     Marcia Mahan

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