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Debi Saraswati Lewis, founder of Joyflow Yogahas taught yoga for over 30 years, owned a studio for over 25, mentored yoga instructors through the first Yoga Alliance 200 hour registered program in Mississippi for 20 years. The Enneagram has been a part of her life for at least 30 years and she is certified as an Enneagram teacher through the Enneagram Institute with Don Riso and Russ Hudson. 


Debi is the published author of Yoga Nine Ways: Awaken to Source with Yoga and Enneagram which expresses her ground-breaking ideas integrating these wisdom traditions with life changing and practical applications. She brings this knowledge and experience into her inspirational coaching, workshops and retreats all over the world.

Debi is an inspirational muse. Wherever she goes she inspires and creates a space of joy and light around her and within her clients. Because of her own journey to overcome depression and experiencing her own connection to inner Divine Guidance and Joy, she has trained in many modalities:

Reiki, Healing Touch, Shamanic Journeying, Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy, Thai Massage, Sacred Circle World Dance, Dance Meditation, Art Therapy, Laughter Yoga, Sound Therapy (flutes, singing bowls and drums) and more. She sprinkles rainbows of these Sacred Gifts into her Coaching.




BA in Liberal Arts 1982 from USM in Hattiesburg MS, with emphasis in music, art, and philosophy, with Honors.


Many years of training in several styles of Yoga, from master teachers, from 1985 to present. Janie Strickland was her first Guru, from whom she received a loving introduction, a solid foundation in alignment, and the invitation to become a teacher. Among the many Master Teachers Debi has studied with over the years, Erich Schiffman and Rod Stryker remain the most influential.


Registered with the Yoga Alliance as E-RYT 500 since 2001. Senior teacher and founder of YA registered 200 hour Joyflow Teacher Training since 2001. 


YACEP, provider of Continuing Education for yoga teachers.


Certified in Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy. 1998


Enneagram Certification with Don Riso and Russ Hudson through the Enneagram Institute.  2003-2008 


Author of Yoga Nine Ways: Awaken to Source with Enneagram and Yoga. Available through Amazon .


Certifications in Laughter Yoga, Level 1-2 Healing Touch, Level 1-3 Reiki, Level 1 Thai Yoga.


Trained in a variety of meditative movements: Yoga Meets Dance, Dance Meditation, Sacred Circle Dances and Sufi Dances of Universal Peace.


Musician: Classically trained Flute; Singing Bowl Sound Bath.


Artist and Sewing professional.


Workshop / Retreat leader at yoga studios and healing centers around the Southeast.


Led Retreat at Kalikalos Holistic Centre in Greece. 2015


3 Time Presenter at the International Enneagram Conference. Professional Member.


      On FB:

Joyflow Yoga page

Debi Saraswati Lewis-personal page

On Instagram: 

Debi Saraswati Joyflow 

Contact Debi: 


Text: 601-613-4317

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