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The Enneagram

The Enneagram is a map of personality based on motivations. It shows how we see the world and act accordingly from our innermost motivations, fears and needs. Once we see these patterns clearly, we can be open to transformation. Far from typing you into a box, discovering your type allows you to see how you perceive things through a colored lens. With this knowledge, you are able to transcend your habitual pitfalls and build on your inherent strengths.

Debi's approach to the Enneagram is to combine it with Yoga, connecting with movement, breathwork, meditation, and even laughter and dance. Learning the Enneagram leads to greater Self-understanding, a lightness of Being and better relationships.

Debi offers The Experiential Enneagram in a 10-week class format, in day-long workshops, weekend retreats, and in private consultations and coaching. 

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The Nine Passions, or Lenses

As uncomfortable as it may be, recognizing your tendencies to fall into anger, shame and fear, your shadow, leads to life-affirming realizations and the pathway to growth and self-understanding. Do you recognize any of these within yourself? 



1. ANGER / RESENTMENT – Anger is repressed, leading to continual frustration and dissatisfaction.


2. PRIDE – Inability or unwillingness to acknowledge one’s own needs or suffering. 


3. DECEIT – Deceived into believing one is only the Ego, a focus on the exterior self. 


4. ENVY – A feeling the something within is fundamentally missing. 


5. AVARICE – A withholding of energy and resources, and minimization of needs. 


6. FEAR / ANXIETY – A constant state of apprehension and worry about possible future events. 


7. GLUTTONY – The insatiable desire to fill up with experiences and pursue a variety of stimulating ideas and activities.


8. LUST – A drive for constant intensity, control and self-extension. 


9. SLOTH – A reluctance to fully engage in life and avoidance of conflict. 

Yes, we do have these challenges. Ouch! But we also have our Gifts as well. Here is a quote from my book:

“The beautiful thing is that there are at least nine primary ways to experience Divine Essence and awaken to Source. The Reformers experience Source as Perfection, the Helpers as Love, the Achievers as Magnificence, the Individualists as Creativity, the Investigators as Intelligence/Wisdom, the Loyalists as Faithful Communion, the Enthusiasts as Bountiful Joy, the Challengers as Omnipresent Power, the Peacemakers as Peaceful Harmony. Like colors of a rainbow, they make up the spectrum of the Divine Experience.”              

                                                        From Yoga Nine Ways: Awakening to Source by Debi Saraswati Lewis

The Enneagram of Personality and the Practice of Yoga


The Practice of Yoga and the Enneagram are powerful when used together. First, an understanding of oneself is valuable as one explores a spiritual practice. One can also use the yoga postures to experience the concepts presented in the Enneagram and to achieve emotional and energetic balance. Using this knowledge an optimum practice can be designed for each Enneagram personality type. 


The foundation of the Enneagram pattern is a triad of centers: the Gut, the Heart, and the Head. Each personality type has a certain balance of these three centers. Riso and Hudson, leading developers of the Enneagram, have observed that working with the third, or unused center, is very helpful for finding emotional balance. 


The idea of centers brings us to the study of chakras. The practice of yoga is directly related to balancing our energetic anatomy, which includes the seven chakras. The chakras are vortexes of bio-electrical energy located along the spine, occurring in basically the same location as the physical nerve complexes, and each corresponding to a certain aspect of our lives. Each chakra has a certain energetic influence over the mind and body. Particular yoga postures, sequences, and even breathing techniques (pranayama) affect the chakras. 


I reasoned that based on this understanding an optimal yoga practice for each Enneagram type could be developed. My proposal is that you focus on postures related to the unused center.


As looking into your shadow is an important journey, but can be downright miserable, we incorporate a lot of vehicles to help you move through it, into the experience of JOY, which as it turns out, is who you really are, a Divinely Created Being of Joy!


More than a child's toy, these dragons are designed to be a delightful aid in your journey toward transformation and wholeness. Each comes with it's own story of healing and redemption, along with affirmations, visualizations and a yoga practice to support you. Your dragon also comes with a consultation session with me about your Enneagram journey.

Throughout history, dragons have been both honored and feared. On one hand they are symbols of transformation, wisdom and healing. On the other hand, they symbolize our dark shadows. We have dragon tales of both magic and of destruction.

These dragons can make great gifts, for yourself or a loved one. You can choose one already made, or you can be part of the assembly of your own cute and colorful character. We can tweak the story just for you, and you can pick out your dragon's name.

$250 per dragon, with consultation, story and affirmations

$175 per dragon, by itself


Ennea-Dragon 1. The Reformer / Perfectionist, who wants so much to be a good dragon, in spite of his/her reputation for throwing fire in frustration from time to time. Reformer dragon rarely enjoys life because of always striving for correctness and improvement. His journey is to learn to relax and learn to smell the roses, instead of burning them up.

Ennea-Dragon 2.  The Helper / Giver, who wants so much to love and be loved, and finds that he often gives too much and then ends up being resentful and exhausted. Then Giver dragon forgets to hold back and burns everything down, and that doesn't help so much. Nurturing self-care is needed.

Ennea-Dragon 3.  The Achiever, who strives for success and mastery, and finds that he is often so consumed by this drive to succeed, aren't dragons all supposed to hoard piles of gold?, that he feels disconnected from his feelings and who he is, aside from the shiny exterior and hard work. 

Ennea-Dragon 4. The Individualist, who feels different and alone so often, is often paralyzed so much that he hides out in the hills and is hard to find. But the rest of the world is missing out, because not only is this dragon quite colorful and beautiful, he is also very creative and loving. Come out and fly, dragon!

Ennea-Dragon 5. The Investigator, who feels safest when he understands the Ways of Life and Dragons in Great Detail. This dragon is very educated and knowledgeable, and since dragons are known to live a long time, has spent a good deal of it collecting information. We appreciate you, learned dragon, and could use your guidance from time to time.

Ennea-Dragon 6. The Loyalist, who struggles with anxiety and is a Worst Case Scenario expert, and therefore is very organized and alert for any hint of trouble. This Loyal dragon learns how to be courageous by focusing on his inner Guidance or Intuition. This helps him to relax into his strengths.

Ennea-Dragon 7. The Enthusiast. You would think that this dragon doesn't have a care in the world. Flitting and frolicking and always ready for a fun time. But when the going gets tough or he takes on too many obligations, this dragon collapses and has to learn how to focus and slow down. Only then can the Enthusiast really experience Joy in the moment.

Ennea-Dragon 8. The Boss, who loves a good fight and can breathe fire masterfully. Strong and Bold. This dragon has a big heart and will do anything to lift up those he loves. He will do anything to not let his vulnerability show. To win this dragon's heart always speak the truth, show up and do your best, no matter how scary.

Ennea-Dragon 9. The Peacemaker wants above all else to avoid conflicts and to be surrounded by peace. This is a challenge for a fire-breathing dragon, so this dragon has learned to turn off the fire and cocoon himself in a halo of bliss. This can be soothing for others, but when he really needs his fire, he can't find where he put it.





      On FB:

Joyflow Yoga page

Debi Saraswati Lewis-personal page

On Instagram: 

Debi Saraswati Joyflow 

Contact Debi: 


Text: 601-613-4317

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